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Welcome to Creative Arts, the group aims to develop talents and help members to be more confident in expressing the truth of the gospel through various forms of art. It also helps with public speaking. It is open to all – not just church members. The only condition is that members must be committed Christians.


God has given us all different talents, let us therefore use that which He has given us to praise and glorify Him. Our Lord Jesus commanded us to go out and preach the good news to all mankind – we can use whatever talent we have to minister and win souls for Christ. When we make His service our delight, He will make our needs, His care.


Our vision is to use the creative gifts and talents that God has given us in ministration. It is a well-known fact that people recall what they see more than what they hear; we therefore try to express biblical principles and teachings in drama through everyday life.


New members are always welcome – church members can speak to Brother Raymond or Elder Gerald. Non-church members wishing to become a member can email the church admin team via the contact us page. If you are gifted in script writing, why not consider contacting us to discuss and submit a script; your script might be the next tool to draw more souls to heaven!


For more information, please contact the church office via the contact page.



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